Q1 . What is the contact number for Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College?
Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College contact number is 02322 222115 and 9421872115.
Q2. Where is Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College located?
Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College located is jaysingpur.
Q3. What is Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College full address?
Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College full address is Chondeshwari Mill Road, Near Pingara Hotel, Kolhapur – Wadi Byapss Road, Jaysingpur, Tal. Shirol, dist. Kolhapur 416101
Q4. What is the official web address portal (URL) for Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College?
Official website portal is https://www.jeevanprakashparamedicalcollege.com/
Q5. What are the courses in Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College?
Jeevan Parakash Paramedical College Courses Run By Emergency Medical Services, Radiology Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, Dialysis Technician, EEG Technician, ECG Technician, X- Ray Technician, Ophthalmic Technical, Patient Care Assistant, A.D.M.L.T., D.M.L.T, C.M.L.T, Bsc. L.T., O.T. Technician, A.N.M. Assistant, G.N.M. Assistant , General Duty Assistant , Multipurpose Healthcare Worker
Q6. How far is Jaysingpur ST Stand from Jeevan Prakash Paramedical College?
Jaysingpur st stand to jeevan prakash paramedical college distance is 1 km